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SDK: javascript

Nebula provides native UI to allows user to browse data samples and run analytics through aggregation computing. However, a lot of times, we need to transform and customize the existing column data into a desired state. For example, we want to trim some long string literals into a fixed-size prefix and aggregate by it.

Nebula SDK enables users to write code to run analytics as wish.

Example Code Snippet#

This demo code snippet is already shown in project homepage on Github, but let's revisit it again and explain all available functions provided by the SDK.

    // const values    const name = "test";    const schema = "ROW<a:int, b:string, c:bigint>";
    // define an customized column    const colx = () => nebula.column("a") % 3;    nebula.apply("colx", nebula.Type.INT, colx);
    // get a data set from data set stored in HTTPS or S3    const query = nebula.source(name)                     .time("2020-06-22 15:00:00", "2020-06-25 15:00:00")                     .select("colx", count("id"))                     .where(and(eq("coly", true), gt("colz", 25)))                     .sortby(nebula.Sort.DESC)                     .limit(100);
    // render the data result with a table    // other visuals can be achieved by different API: bar, pie, line, timeline(seconds);

Nebula SDK#

The basic idea is to allow user to define any new column through a ES6 JS function.


All SDK functions are defined inside nebula "namespace".

To simplify code user to write, we also defined aliases for all native aggregation functions, they are

countcount number of rowscolumn name is required to be consistent with all other functions, though it is not used
sumsum the given columnonly number columns including floating numbers are supported
maxmax value in given column
minmin value in given column
avgaverage value in given column
p10percentile value of given column at 10%arbitrary percentile is available yet, but a few often used ones
p25percentile value of given column at 25%
p50percentile value of given column at 50%
p75percentile value of given column at 75%
p90percentile value of given column at 90%
p99percentile value of given column at 99%
p99_9percentile value of given column at 99.9%
p99_99percentile value of given column at 99.99%
treeaggregate single paths into a tree with counted nodesthe expected column should be string type, with lines break by \n, with root at the top


filters are used by where API (see the example on page top).

these DSL functions will help us construct filter for the query (note there is a limitation for now - only single AND or OR to be used, will be fixed in the future).

andand(...)"logical and" multiple predicates
oror(...)"logical or" multiple predicates
eqeq(col, ...)column "col" equals specified values, "in" meaning if multi values provided
neqneq(col, ...)column "col" not equals specified value, "not in" meaning if multi values provided
gtgt(col, val)column "col" greater than given value
ltlt(col, val)column "col" smaller than given value
likelike(col, pattern)column "col" like SQL pattern such as "%abc", case sensitive
ilikeilike(col, pattern)column "col" like SQL pattern such as "%ABC", case insensitive
unlikeunlike(col, pattern)opposite value of like
iunlikeiunlike(col, pattern)opposite value of ilike


nebula.column("{col}") is API to be used in your custom code logic to compute new column values. It evaluated as the specified column value in runtime.


nebula.apply is required to be called to register a new custom column. It takes 3 arguments

  • new column name
  • new column type
  • function/lambdd that defines the logic how the column value will be computed. Either function x(){} or const x = () => {} works, but lambda is preferable.


nebula.Type is a enum list defines all supported colummn types

  • INT: 32bit integer
  • LONG: 64bit integer
  • FLOAT: 32bit floating number
  • DOUBLE: 64bit floating number
  • STRING: string value


nebula defines a list of query related functions to help construct a SQL-like query.

sourcedefine what data source/table to queryit should be an existing table or a runtime generated table through other API
timedefines time range of the data to queryit accepts both UNIX time value in milliseconds, or the string literals.
e.g 2020-06-22 13:00:00 or new Date("2020-06-22").getTime()
selectvar args defined by ...arg format in JS, you can pass column name, or aggregation functionspecial validation rules may be enforced
sortbyspecify sort type, ASC, DESC, or NONEcurrently only supporting first column to be sorted
limitspecify maximum number of rows to be returned


SORT type is another enum object defined in nebula. Referenced by nebula.Sort.ASC, nebula.Sort.DESC or nebula.Sort.NONE

  • ASC: ascending order
  • DESC: descending order
  • NONE: no sorting

execute query#

nebula defines a list of APIs to allow display the query result in selected visual type.

run (timeline, window)execute current queryrun the query
timeline (window)a short cut for run(true, window)

pivot & map#

pivot is a method to pivot a key column to metrics. This is useful if you pivot a column's metric values into single row for meaningful comparison. Hence we only support pivot API when there is single metric column.

Also, the column to be pivoted should be in low cardinality otherwise the number of columns will be exploded. for exmaple:

    // this is valid pivot query    // the result will look like []    nebula        .source("data-set")        .time("-5h", "now")        .select("tag", count("id"))        .pivot("tag")        .run();

Another API is map which provides function to allow user to compute new columns per row. For example: The query returns data as [C1, C2, C3], map function can yield new row schema as [C1, C4=C2/C3]. The schema will change from 3 columns to 2 columns, with the second column value equals C2 / C3.

Both pivot and map are executed on the client side. | Function | Signature | Note | | -------- | :-----------------------------------: | -------------------------------: | | pivot | pivot(col/key) | pivot a key column - do not apply to a metric column | | map | map(f, ...cols) | f is a function to transform from original row, append metric column only. cols are optional metrics column names to remove in visualization |

for example:

    // this map function will add a new metric column `x4` and remove metric column `id.COUNT`    nebula.source("nebula.test")        .time("2019-08-16", "2019-08-26")        .select("tag", "flag", count("id"))        .map(r => {            r["x4"] = r["id.COUNT"] * 4;        }, "id.COUNT")        .run();

Sometimes, we want to use pivot and map together to compute a new metric. for example:

    // below code is aggregate total count by "tag", "flag"    // and pivot by "flag" for each tag column    // and then compute false/true ratio and put it as a new column "ratio"    // remove the previous pivoted metrics for "false" and "true"    // this eventually display this ratio for each tag value    nebula.source("nebula.test")        .time("2019-08-16", "2019-08-26")        .select("tag", "flag", count("id"))        .pivot("flag")        .map(r => {        r["ratio"] = r["false"] / r["true"];        }, "true", "false")        .run();


Without the great project QuickJS, we won't make this available in such an efficient way.